Zeebe produces lots of events

Hi there!

I’ve successfully deployed Zeebe cluster in k8s with 3 nodes and 3 partitions. It seemed stable but I found storages almost exhausted (6 GB) in a day or two (cluster didn’t execute any workflows). I started to investigate the problem and found a lot of useful information about performance details in issue 541.

I keep snapshot size, max amount of snapshots and their generation intensity default (500 MB, 3 at most and 15 minutes, respectively). On client-side I increased poolInterval up to 5000 ms in order to reduce the pooling intensity (and thus reduce log intensity as well).

After all, the problem persists but storage utilization grows not so fast as before (only 5K events per minute, hehe). I took a look at segments content and found a lot of repetitive information:


I use a custom Hazelcast exporter (which connects to external Hazelcast cluster). Nevertheless, I care about update the current cursor position in order to allow Zeebe to clean up segments when it’s necessary.

Could you explain why so many events are produced and how to reduce resource usage?

Here is my config:

    # For more information about this configuration visit:
    cpuThreadCount = 1

    enabled = true

    id = "hazelcast"
    className = "org.project.HazelcastExporter"

    host = "hazelcast.dev.svc.cluster.local"

Here you can find a pod resource usage graph
Here is the zeebe_exporter_events_total metric graph

Use 0.21 with long-polling clients. See here: https://zeebe.io/blog/2019/08/long-polling/

Is your exporter advancing its read position? See here: https://stage.docs.zeebe.io/operations/resource-planning.html#event-log


Thank you for the response!

I’m trying to switch to 0.21.1 right now.

As for exporter - yes, it updates read position (and in fact ignored/filtered worker-related events).

I use Spring in my project. I’m struggling with a configuration problem via application properties. I got the next error during connection procedure:

Caused by: io.netty.handler.ssl.NotSslRecordException: not an SSL/TLS record

It’s likely because TLS is enable by default and I need to set zeebe.client.security.plaintext to false.
I suppose Spring class io.zeebe.spring.client.properties.ZeebeClientConfigurationProperties doesn’t support this new property yet.

Do you have a plan to update Spring module in the nearest future?

@IcyEagle You need to set the client to use plainText in the configuration to make it work with the latest version.
It should work right with the current version. If not let me know.

See here: https://zeebe.io/blog/2019/10/0.21-release/#tls

@salaboy @jwulf Hallelujah!


This is what I was looking for!

Thank you guys!

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Thanks for raising this up! The data may not get deleted if the records are filtered. I opened a new issue: https://github.com/zeebe-io/zeebe/issues/3166