Zeebe Kubernetes storage issue

Hi Zeebe Community,

I am trying to setup Zeebe using Kubernetes on Docker Desktop using the install-kind.sh

The zeebe cluster fails to start and is in a “pending” state, when I check the PVC then it is also pending.

If I look at the error then I can see this message “Failed to create provisioner: Provisioning in volume plugin “kubernetes.io/host-path” is disabled”

Any help is appreciated



Seen this?

Hi jwulf,

Thank you for the follow up. I did read those articles, but I cannot workout how to configure the
enable-hostpath-provisioner flag on the on kube-controller-manager in Docker Desktop for MacOS

I will continue to research and see if I can work it out



@mattmurphy in Docker for Mac there is no host-path volume provisioner by default… did you tried using the default storage class? Why are you using the Kind approach on Docker For Mac?

I recommend you to use http://helm.zeebe.com as this repository is deprecated and not maintained anymore: zeebe-kubernetes/kind/README.md at ac4c8a1846e7d001da4ad9378a6995450a7489ae · zeebe-io/zeebe-kubernetes · GitHub

@salaboy thanks for the response. I ended up changing the configuration to use PersistentVolume’s and then was able to setup the cluster. I was looking at the install-kind.sh on my Mac to gain experience setting up a 5x node Zeebe cluster (2x gateways and 3x brokers) before attempting it in Dev at work.

@salaboy I looked that the Helm approach and watched your YouTube video (very good video by the way), but I cannot use that approach at work. We cannot use Helm charts, so reverted to the depreciated approach.

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@mattmurphy Matt, can you please share more information about why you cannot use Helm Charts in your work? It might help us to provide some alternatives for other community members in your position.
Remember that with Helm you can generate all the YAML files, and then you can apply them manually if you want to.

@salaboy I work in the financial services industry, which is heavily regulated. We are only permitted to use tools that are available on our desktop build or in our internal repositories. All external pull or download requests are prohibited. Helm charts are not available at this time. I can submit a request to get it added to the internal repo, but the source will need to be scanned and I will have to fix any issues that are detected (old libraries, vulnerabilities etc.) This has been a lot of work in the past.

I am going to use Helm on my personal device, generate all the YAML files and then apply them like you suggested.

Thanks for your help, its appreciated.

@mattmurphy I am happy to help if you or your IT department find issues with the charts… just keep us posted… if you need more help