Zeebe Cluster Configuration

Hi, I am new to zeebe. I have gone through the documentation about zeebe configuration. Due to some official reason, I am using old version of zeebe 0.20.3. I have two virtual machines. I want to run two broker and form a cluster of size 2. I tried the following configuration in zeebe.cfg.toml. But the broker is not running:
# enable = true
# host = “”
# port = 26500

# contactPoint = ""
# transportBuffer = "128M"
# requestTimeout = "15s"

# managementThreads = 1

# enabled = false

host = ""
# portOffset = 0

host = "localhost"
port = 26501
# sendBufferSize = "16M"

host = "localhost"
port = 26502

host = "localhost"
port = 9600
# partition-0                       (root partition folder)
# directories = [ "data" ]

# logSegmentSize = "512M"
# snapshotPeriod = "15m"
# maxSnapshots = "3"
# snapshotReplicationPeriod = "5m"

nodeId = 0
clusterSize = 1
initialContactPoints = ["node0:26502"]
clusterName = "zeebe-cluster"
#cpuThreadCount = 2
#ioThreadCount = 2

# id:
# jarPath:
# className:
# [[exporters]]
# id = "debug-log"
# className = "io.zeebe.broker.exporter.debug.DebugLogExporter"
# [exporters.args]
#   logLevel = "debug"
#   prettyPrint = false
# Enable the following debug exporter to start a http server to inspect the exported records
# [[exporters]]
# id = "debug-http"
# className = "io.zeebe.broker.exporter.debug.DebugHttpExporter"
# [exporters.args]
#   port = 8000
#   limit = 1024
#id = "elasticsearch"
#className = "io.zeebe.exporter.ElasticsearchExporter"
#  [exporters.args]
#  url = "http://localhost:9200"
#  [exporters.args.bulk]
#  delay = 5
#  size = 1_000
#  [exporters.args.authentication]
#  username = elastic
#  password = changeme
#  [exporters.args.index]
#  prefix = "zeebe-record"
#  createTemplate = true
#  command = false
#  event = true
#  rejection = false
#  deployment = true
#  error = true
#  incident = true
#  job = true
#  jobBatch = false
#  message = false
#  messageSubscription = false
#  variable = true
#  variableDocument = false
#  workflowInstance = true
#  workflowInstanceCreation = false
#  workflowInstanceSubscription = false

I try telnet 26500 from other vm but it says no route found. I also want to monitor the broker using grafana. Please help me to configure it properly so that I can run two broker and can monitor them using grafana. My another VM ip is I have installed grafana and Prometheus. But do not know how to configure it in grafana.
Plaese help I am struggling on this setup.