Start workflow instance from Operate

Currently, I start manual instances from Zeebe Modeler and look at the results in Operate.

Is there a way to start an instance directly in Operate or is it a feature you’re planning to work on ?

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@vtexier hi there… there is currently no plan to start workflows from there, as Operate is to manage incidents and see what is going on, not to actually start instances. Operate is not intended to be a full on client for Zeebe, just an Operational tool. Your application should start workflows.

Hope this helps.

Ok, thanks to clarify the role of Operate.

So if I want my customers to start and monitor workflow instances in the same pretty interface, the only solution I have is to request this feature in Zeebe Modeler.

@vtexier I would recommend using a separate interface, as you are targeting a different persona that the one used to create Operate. I’ve seen implementations where you will have a specific UI for your business users.

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@vtexier just to clarify, the Zeebe Modeler will not have that feature either… as it is not intended for that use case.