Operate not connecting to Zeebe - HELM

Hi Guys,

I am playing with Zeebe and Operate and I am having troubles to connect both together.
I created my own helm chart that has as requirements zeebe-cluster and zeebe-operate:

- alias: zeebe-cluster
  name: zeebe-cluster
  repository: https://helm.zeebe.io
  version: 0.0.113
- alias: zeebe-operate
  name: zeebe-operate
  repository: https://helm.zeebe.io
  version: 0.0.9

And I am configuring operate from the values of my helm chart to point to my zeebe instance:
I tried → global.zeebe=accuv-tools-zeebe and also zeebe-operate.global.zeebe=accuv-tools-zeebe

since the output of kubectl get svc is

accuv-tools-zeebe ClusterIP None <none> 9600/TCP,26502/TCP,26501/TCP

However, by inspecting operate logs I see this error:

Caused by: io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: accuv-tools-zeebe/
Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

Not sure what I am missing or doing wrong to configure operate to see zeebe.

Also, is there any way to use zeebe-full but avoid it from installing ingress?

Any help will be appreciated :slight_smile:

Lucas L.-

I just realized my problem, I was using an older version for operate that is why it was failing… I moved to 0.0.22 and now it is working… :man_facepalming:

@lucasledesma great that you found the answer… but it makes me think that you might want to send a PR to make the ingress optional… if you don’t really want an ingress. That will avoid you having to maintain your own charts for those two charts.