Kafka exporter configuration


I’m trying to configure Kafka exporter, but fails ).

I’m starting with

  • zeebe-docker-compose examples,

  • get to operate-simple-monitor,

  • add zookeeper and kafka services there,

  • and trying to configure zeebe-kafka-exporter:
    – add jar to volumes of zeebe service,
    – update application.yaml exporters section with:

      className: io.zeebe.exporters.kafka.KafkaExporter
      jarPath: exporters/zeebe-kafka-exporter-1.1.0-uber.jar
            - 'kafka:9092'
          clientId: zeebe
  • try to run this with docker-compose, and got exception zeebe logs:

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load exporter with configuration: ExporterCfg{, jarPath='/usr/local/zeebe/exporters/zeebe-kafka-exporter-1.1.0-uber.jar', className='io.zeebe.exporters.kafka.KafkaExporter', args={producer={servers={0=kafka:9092}, clientId=zeebe}}}
    Caused by: io.zeebe.broker.exporter.repo.ExporterLoadException: Cannot load exporter [kafka]: failed validation
    Caused by: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at path $.producer.servers
  • I was trying to specify it in a way like zeebe.broker.data.dircetories:

    servers: ['kafka:9092']

Feels like I’m doing some simple stupid mistake, but just stuck ). Can you please help me find a way for this configuration?

N.B. It will be great, if it’s possible, to update zeebe-kafka-exporter according to the yaml configurations :slight_smile:

Hey @Gorynych,

thanks for trying Zeebe and the Kafka Exporter, unfortunately the Kafka Exporter is a bit outdated and we had no time to update it to the latest release yet.

I think @npepinpe is happy to accept PR’s if you’re willing to do so.

In the thread above I think an user posted a configuration, maybe you can try whether this works for you or not.
