How the Hazelcast Exporter can be deployed with zeebe cluster using helm?

Hi, I’m a begginer.

I was trying to deploy zeebe with the hazelcast exporter and connect it with the zeeqs on GCP kubernetes, but it didn’t work.

Both zeebe-cluster and zeeqs have helm charts… But how can I set the hazelcast exporter (from zeebe-cluster helm) to communicate with the hazelcast (deployed by zeeqs helm)?

I tried the “dynamic exporters to zeebe brokers” from zeebe-cluster-helm but it’s not working. Looking to zeebe logs, I can only see logs from the elasticsearch exporter, nothing from hazelcast. I think Hazelcast exporter is not working.

Could someone guide me to deploy both of helm charts and make them work together?

What I did before deploy with helm:

I created a file named “exporters.yaml” with “Adding dynamic exporters to Zeebe Brokers” content, to use with helm command:

helm install zeebe-cluster zeebe/zeebe-cluster --namespace zeebe -f exporters.yaml

I added hazelcast exporter environment variables on zeebe-cluster YAML file:


Thank you.

Hi @Sargastico and welcome to the Zeebe forums :clap:

I’m really not familiar with the helm charts for either zeebe and zeeqs, so I won’t be able to help you out yet. However, I’d like to point out that both have a BETA warning in the top of their readme’s.

Having said that, I do think both zeebe and zeeqs should be deployable to GCP k8s using helm. Perhaps @salaboy can help out here.

hi @Sargastico great question… and yes… it is possible … but it is not as trivial as it should be. I’ve been working on this lately… I am updating the full chart to make sure that this works out of the box, but it is not still done.
Can you share your exporters file and how is that failing?
I would love to get that working this week so we can publish some tutorials around that…


Thanks for the quick response @korthout and @salaboy.

The exporter is not truly failing. The JAR is copied to the “/exporters/” directory on zeebe pods, but do not seems to be load or working as it should be. I haven’t changed any settings other than the ones I said on the last post.

Checking the logs, I can’t see any erros related to hazelcast exporter, it looks like the exporter is there, but it’s not exporting anything at all.

When trying to use zeeqs, I added the env variable to point the exporter to the hazelcast cluster deployed by zeeqs helm. I didn’t get errors too, but when querying with graphiql, it always returns empty results (I deployed some workflows and instances to test). Maybe I’m just missing some config point to communicate the exporter to the hzCluster.

It will be useful to have a helm chart to deploy all components from both of these charts together
(“zeebe cluster helm” + “zeeqs helm”)

@salaboy I hope you can make it work soon o/


hi @salaboy, I’m trying to use Simple Monitor with Zeebe in a Kubernetes cluster. Now, Simple Monitor needs to point to the service exposed by hazecast exporter, the question is, which service does need to expose hazelcast port? the Zeebe Gateway service or the Zeebe broker service?


@Sargastico thanks for the details… but I need more to understand how things are failing… you mention: “The JAR is copied to the “/exporters/” directory on zeebe pods” how are you doing that?
Which version of the charts are you using… and can you check the version of the brokers? Are you overriding any of those things?

@smolina74 can you please open a different entry for this… Simple monitor will not be added to Helm charts as we consider ZeeQS the way to go.

@salaboy thanks for the response. The JAR is copied by the code inside extraInitContainers from zeebe-cluster-helm repo as showed on the " Adding dynamic exporters to Zeebe Brokers" readme section.

I save this code in a exporters.yaml file, and used it with helm using the -f flag when installing zeebe with this command:

helm install zeebe-cluster zeebe/zeebe-cluster --namespace zeebe -f exporters.yaml

It seems to work partially, the JAR is deployed inside the /exporters/ folder, but it doesn’t seem to work as it should as I said in previous posts.

This is the output of the command “helm show chart”, maybe it answer about the version.

I’m not overriding anything, just adding the extraInitContainers

@Sargastico I am super busy over here… but I will investigate, can you try this profile in the meantime?

That is what I am working on to get it working.

Thank you salaboy, I will test it as soon as possible and come back to give a feedback.


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