gRPC, proto file

For anyone who needs a starting point using ZeeBe with Delphi, if open-sourced my code:

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@PeterMM - this is awesome!!!

What are you using it for? Like, what’s the use-case?


We are in the SPC business and besides of the statistics (six sigma…) the log files recorded by the SPC-System are a good starting point for process mining and conformance checking. Up to now we only use simple workflows (such as: inspection required every 30 minute). The objective is to get a more flexible tool to monitor more complex workflow models to cover a brighter range of use cases (such as product changes, error recovery etc.) or even use cases outside the field of SPC. Since all off our (win32/64 centric) tools are written in delphi, it is obvious to use delphi for this as well…

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