Avro/proto schema based communication for event-based orchestration scenarios

Hello , I would like to know if you plan to support avro/proto schema based communication for event-based orchestration scenarios ?

Thank you !

@Alik that support doesn’t come out of the box, but it can be easily be built by creating some workers.
I am currently working to support Cloud Events (CloudEvents.io) which in principle will offer that support for different transports as you can see in the spec: https://github.com/cloudevents/spec. Maybe we can collaborate to make sure that the work that I am doing cover your needs.


Thank you @salaboy … First off all for exposing me to the cloud events :slight_smile: never heard about it before.
Regarding avro / proto support - do I understand correctly that you trying to wrap the zeebe access by worker that will handle serialisation and deserialisation of the payloads ?
Regarding possible collaboration - thank you! How do you prefer to communicate ? Zoom ? Where are you located?

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@Alik drop me an email (gmail) or a DM to twitter to the same nickname that I have here… I am based in London, let’s see how we can collaborate… You can find a very early draft of the work that I am doing here: https://github.com/salaboy/zeebe-knative-worker

But take that as a very early draft… as I will be moving the code and refactoring heavily during the following weeks. That code comes with an example that I will publish in my blog soon.

sounds amazing ! will review.
have a nice day

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@Alik you too!