Am I evaluating the correct operate?

Hi I am looking into “camunda/operate:0.23.0” docker image
but the images here: Announcing the Operate Preview Release - Camunda
seem to be newer, give different dashboard screen, and number of active/failed instances on the workflow’s diagram panel
Also I’m not on “trial version”
Is the trial version of operate different than that of my docker image, containing more features?

That blog post is from April 2019 so the screenshots there are older than 0.23 for sure. What do you see missing? what would you like to have in 0.23? There is no other version of Operate right now with more features.

Tx @salaboy .
I think you answered my question.

To answer yours - I’m using both Simple-Monitor and Operate trying to evaluate them both.

The features I miss the most at this time:

  1. deployment (although I understand this is not ‘monitoring’ per-se, but maybe operate should be a management tool, not just monitoring?)
  2. View summary of workflow instances per element - with history -> operate only shows the workflow instances per their latest workflow element, which is also very useful. That is kind of what simple monitor is offering. Both views are valid
  3. Filter/view/export incomplete/active workflows that are no longer found/handled in the broker, due to some mis-match or disconnect in exporting. The purpose here is to try and re-run these again, or even continue from where they were abandoned. A replay or (dare I say) continue action will be great!
